Category: Racism

As the World Deals with End of Ramadan Terror Attacks, IS is Busy Auctioning Its Estimated 3000 Women and Children

Related Articles: ISIS Carried Out Its Deadliest Attack And No One Cared The Islamic State hit several allies of the United States with suicide bombings as the holy month of Ramadan came to an end last year. The terror group conducted similar atrocities this year but this time, even the holiest places for Muslims were not

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Hatred Beyond Comprehension – Trump’s Plan to Prevent Muslim Immigration

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump issued a controversial statement in the wake of the terror attack in San Bernardino, California. The attack was perpetrated by a radicalized couple who went on a shooting spree using high powered firearms. The couple killed 14 people and injured 22 others before they got killed in a shootout against

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Trump Wants No More Muslims in America

“A total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” This is the written statement Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump released through his presidential campaign group. This is in response to the mass shooting that happened in San Bernardino, California which is now

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